I've Got a Pin-diction!

Almost a year ago, I first blogged about Pinterest. 


Unfortunately, I did not have the wherewithal to stick with it.  After one or two feeble attempts to create a board, I totally lost "pinterest."  Sorry, I know that was terrible but I just couldn't help myself.

Fast forward nine months: One of my BFFs Rachel is planning her 40th birthday in Napa and sent an email directing us to her Pinterest board to learn more about her birthday inspiration. 

It was brilliant!  I started to check it out and then found myself still pinning after two hours straight. I have always loved collages and getting things organized.  I find pinning to my boards to be so completely inspiring and fulfilling.  I even woke up this morning with the urge to start pinning.  Can you say addiction?

I am still trying to wrap my head around the sharing aspect of this social media.  I only have two followers so far so I am going to shamelessly ask my readers to go ahead and visit my Pinterest boards and follow me. I'd love to see what you are pinning too.

I am taking it one small step at a time: Today Pinterest, tomorrow Instagram.

Please visit my boards at http://pinterest.com/tracymausser/


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